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学生的健康不仅仅包括身体健康.  Here at UNC, we 采取一种全面的健康方法,考虑到个人的多个维度 健康:情感,智力,身体,社会,环境,财务,精神, and occupational.  每个方面对学生的整体健康和健康都很重要 在各个方面找到平衡是成功的关键.

整体健康是一个积极的过程,专注于为学生带来平衡 life and helps them achieve a sense of well-being. Checking in with your student can 以一种有益的方式鼓励他们采取这些积极的步骤.  Here are some questions you could ask your student to start the conversation:

  • It's nice to not have school all day like you used to.  How are you enjoying your new college schedule?
  • It sounds like you're struggling in your _____ class.  Have you made an appointment with any of the tutors in the Division of Student Success?
  • What do you have planned for your first weekend at college?
  • 上课时间和和你认识的人出去玩的平衡如何?
  • What kinds of things are you interested in outside of class?
  • Finals are coming up.  Which ones are you most nervous about?  Have you been able 在期末考试前花时间自我护理,减压和放松?

了解和提供校园资源给你的学生是一种支持的方式 帮助你的学生在博天堂官方茁壮成长,但请记住,这取决于学生自己 主动访问校园资源,如果他们选择这样做. Below are some 校园里的资源,学生可以访问来解决的各个方面 health and wellness.

Campus Resources

Health Center

Students are encouraged to use the Student Health Center 当他们生病时,或者他们有任何与健康有关的问题时 or concerns. 学生健康中心医疗诊所接受并支付大部分的保险 companies. 寻求服务时,请携带个人保险卡,出示 在您访问时将其与带照片的身份证件一起使用,如果您有,请支付自付费用 one, just as you would at your own doctor's office.


Counseling Center

The Counseling Center 提供免费和保密的咨询服务,是您的安全之所 学生谈论影响他们的问题或担忧. Clinical services 咨询中心提供的咨询包括个人、夫妻和团体咨询. 该中心是一个博士和硕士水平的培训网站,提供心理健康 咨询支持和联络与特定部门的伙伴关系.

Prevention Education & Advocacy Services

Prevention Education & Advocacy Services 利用同伴教育者提供有关健康问题的全面教育 impacting students, including alcohol and other substance use; mental health and associated stigma; sexual health; healthy relationships; gender violence; and violence prevention. Prevention Education oversees the Office of Health Promotion.

倡导服务专门为会员提供危机应对和倡导 被性侵犯过的人,亲密伴侣 violence and stalking. Advocacy Services oversees the Assault Survivors Advocacy Program, a confidential 为性别暴力的受害者/幸存者和有关其他人提供的资源. They 并提供24小时危机热线,电话:970-351-4040.

Student Outreach and Support

The University of Northern Colorado Student Outreach and Support (SOS) 办公室通过帮助学生促进学生的发展,参与和成功 在困难的情况下,可能包括医疗,精神健康,个人 or family crisis, illness or injury. SOS Case Managers coordinate with referral sources; 为每个学生提供适当的转诊和后续服务,以满足他们的独特需求. SOS专注于减少事件或行为对学生,教师, staff, and UNC community.

Office of Student Life

The Office of Student Life 提供项目和服务,培养归属感,包容性的校园, and opportunities for learning and growth.  Students can get involved on campus through events 由学生生活办公室赞助,并通过志愿者的机会. Joining clubs and organizations or fraternity and sorority life 学生在校园里结识他人并找到自己的“家”的好方法是什么.

Students can also get involved off-campus in the Greeley community.  Greeley offers many fun activities and places to go.

Career Services

Career Services 热衷于与博天堂官方的学生一起工作,并支持他们决定和 implementing their career related goals. Whether it is assisting students with deciding 在一个专业或学习方法,以获得经验和就业选择的职业 职业服务中心(Career Services)渴望与学生合作,了解更多有关行业的知识 who they are now, and who they will be after UNC. It is never too early to visit Career Services!

Financial Aid

经济援助办公室为您和您的家人提供财务解决方案,如 作为助学金,奖学金,学生就业和贷款,以帮助你弥合差距 你能负担得起你的大学费用和参加的费用.  The 财政援助办公室也提供有用的资源和信息 work study and campus employment.  UNC offers a variety of scholarships to help pay for the cost of education.

Academic Tutoring

Tutorial Services (TS)博天堂官方的学生提供免费的同伴辅导服务和学术技能课程 enrolled in undergraduate-level courses.

TS最大的优势之一是它的组织是一个集中的项目 additional satellite and night tutoring options. TS is certified through the College 阅读和学习协会(CRLA),为博天堂官方的学生和更大的校园服务 社区通过促进学生的学业成绩、留级和坚持来实现 degree completion.

Supplemental Instruction

Supplemental Instruction (SI) 非补救性支持项目的目标是大型的,具有学术挑战性的,一般吗 education classes. 对所有参加课程的学生开放,SI提供帮助 在第二周或第三周开始定期安排学习 of the semester. 我们的SI领导是博天堂官方的高年级学生,他们拥有3个1:2 每周一小时复习课程内容,促进以学生为中心的学习 activities, and foster independent learning strategies. National research data show 与非科学探究生相比,科学探究生的考试和课程成绩更高,退学的次数也更少 participants. 此外,全国数据显示再博天堂官方和毕业率更高 rates for SI participants.

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